Chun-Wei Kang   PIANO

Chun-Wei Kang has performed in concerts both as soloist and ensemble performer throughout the United States, Canada, and East Asia. She has appeared on PBS Sunday Arts in a showcase for rising young opera singers. She has won several awards and scholarships,including the Gwendolyn Koldofsky Memorial Award for “a musician who demonstrated outstanding professionalism in collaborative piano.” Ms. Kang has served as staff pianist/coach in the National Music Competition in Taiwan, the Canadian Provincial Festival, the Centro Studi Italiani Opera Festival, the Summer Opera Program in Tel Aviv, and the International Vocal Arts Institute (New York, Virginia, Puerto Rico, and Montreal). At Manhattan School of Music, Chun-Wei Kang has been the Music Director/Conductor for Undergraduate Opera Theater since September, 2022. She was also the Music Director for the Junior Opera Theater directed by Catherine Malfitano from 2019 to 2022. She also served as Music Director for the Opera Role Preparation Workshop directed by Mignon Dunn from 2010 to 2017.

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