Bradley Aikman   BASS

Bradley Aikman has extensive experience in symphonic, opera, and ballet repertoires with NYC’s premier ensembles, including the Metropolitan Opera, New York Philharmonic, and the New York City Ballet. Other orchestral appearances include the Minnesota and Sarasota Orchestras, and the Pittsburgh Symphony. He is also the principal bass of the Albany Symphony (NY), and a member of the American Ballet Theatre Orchestra. He can be heard on two Grammy winning recordings including the Met’s Ring Cycle from 2012 and The Albany Symphony’s Conjurer by John Corigliano. He has also recorded numerous television and film scores, including an episode for Mozart in the Jungle where he performed at the infamous Rikers Island. Most recently, he recorded Mahler’s Sixth Symphony with the Minnesota Orchestra. Mr. Aikman has recorded for Naxos, Bis, Albany Records, and Exton labels. He is currently on the faculty at Bard College, the Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University, the Allen-Stevenson School (NY), and has a private studio in Westchester, NY. Bradley’s teachers include Timothy Cobb, James VanDemark, Henry Neubert, and Kenneth Schwartzman.

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